THIS Treatment Can Help Long Haulers?

According to a North Dakota doctor, he may have the answer COVID-19 Long-Haulers have been searching for, and it’s a therapy that’s frequently used on scuba divers with decompression sickness. It’s called hyperbaric oxygen treatment and Dr. Allan Luistro thinks he can assist those who are suffering from COVID Long-Hauler symptoms.

During the treatment, the patient is placed in a chamber and exposed to 100% oxygen at a higher pressure for an hour. The body’s inflammatory response will be decreased by the high amounts of oxygen. Even when there isn’t any longer an infection, COVID-19 activates the auto immune system, causing it to overwork and inflame the body in order to fight off infection.

Luistro believes that patients undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for COVID-19 Long-Haulers may experience reduced inflammation that could help them ease their Long-Haulers symptoms.

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