Florida COVID Cases Some Of The Lowest In The Country

According to the New York Times Covid Tracker, Florida has the second-lowest per capita Covid rate of any state: 12 cases per 100,000 people, behind only Hawaii (nine per 100,000) as of October 18. The vaccination rate in Florida (59 percent fully vaccinated) is now above the national average (57 percent).

Many couldn’t hide their see-we-told-you-so satisfaction when the Delta epidemic hit Florida this past summer, as many media elites waxed indignant over Florida’s Covid transgressions. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida was attacked by the Left for his stance against mask and vaccine restrictions.

Criticisms came from both the right and the left. According to Joe Biden, DeSantis is “talking crazy stuff” about “abolishing clean air standards” that will result in “a death sentence for Florida’s children.” The New York Times’ Charles Blow stated: “Yes, Florida, DeS

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