Wife’s Suicide Haunts Husband Who Felt He Could Have Done More

Well-known filmmaker, Nick Guthe lost his wife this past May from suicide due to the suffering from COVID Long Haulers. After a thirteen month battle of symptoms that kept getting worse, Heidi Ferrier could not take it anymore and left behind her husband and 13 year old son. 

The first long-haul symptom was feet pain that debilitated Heidi’s mobility and soon after gastrointestinal issues, followed with severe body aches and chronic exhaustion.  Even after all that, the symptoms persisted. New symptoms taking a toll on the screenwriter’s body kept coming until she simply could not take it any longer. 

The worst symptoms that showed up were the neurological and psychiatric ones. For example, a symptom in long-haulers is the inflammation of the brain, which develops suicidal thoughts. Also “brain fog” takes away the ability to concentrate and think clearly and be cognitive at times, that may impair one’s judgement. 

These are the symptoms that experts believed that debilitated Heidi Ferrier’s physicality and mental capacity to continue. The quality of life had worsened dramatically over 13 months and was believed to be led to the demise of the successful screenwriter in her darkest hours.

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