
New COVID Syndrome Baffles Doctors

New COVID Syndrome Baffles Doctors

There are a growing number of people who are recovering from COVID-19 and months later they are not “recovered”, baffling doctors. These people are showcasing what many experts have coined as Covid “Long Hauler” syndrome. The symptoms sometimes appear 3-4 months after initial diagnosis and after a patient is dismissed to be “fully recovered’. Many asymptomatic and mild cases of COVID-19 are showing up with Long Haulers. Symptoms include shortness of breath, brain fog, fatigue and even memory loss.  Doctors don’t know what exactly causes Long Haulers but there are some theories. One such premise that is gaining popularity is that COVID-19 triggers viral inflammation in the body that causes Long Haulers.  To read the full article, Click Here 
The Symptoms Of COVID-19

The Symptoms Of COVID-19

There have been a significant number of Americans across the nation tying to cope with lingering symptoms caused by COVID-19. New Data suggests that more than 70% of those hospitalized from COVID-19 suffering. The most common symptoms are: FatigueBrain FogShortness of breathLoss of Taste and Smell In most cases these symptoms may pop up 60 days after “recovering” from the initial infection of COVID-19. To read the full article, Click Here
Catching COVID The SECOND Time Wiped Out Her Long Haulers Symptoms?

Catching COVID The SECOND Time Wiped Out Her Long Haulers Symptoms?

Katie Hayes was one of the first Americans to contract COVID-19. She was a healthy 28 year old woman hospitalized and suffered from various symptoms that she could not shake. Soon after, she realized she was one of the many people suffering from COVID Long Haulers. The first diagnosis was back in March of 2020, still suffering from heart palpitations, shortness of breath and constant brain fog, Katie got hit with a second case of COVID-19. Unable to get out of bed to know in February 2021 she is almost back to her normal ability of daily life pre-COVID.  No professional or doctor can explain what has happened as she has now overcome her second case of COVID and not from any long hauler symptoms. She is only grateful that she can hike and walk her dog again with ease and go back...
Finally, Therapy For Long Haulers

Finally, Therapy For Long Haulers

Many who have recovered from their original illness of COVID-19 are dealing with debilitating symptoms for weeks, months and some over a year.  Nicole Jacomb, from Missouri University Healthcare is an occupational therapist and sees that many that suffer from COVID Long Haulers need occupational therapy to overcome many of long-COVID symptoms. To read about the new therapies, Click Here
The Fight Against COVID Is Slowing Down, But The Fight Against Long Haulers Is Turning Up!

The Fight Against COVID Is Slowing Down, But The Fight Against Long Haulers Is Turning Up!

A condition that doctors are still trying to understand is taking over many lives caused by COVID-19.  It’s called COVID “Long Haulers”. Most providers and physicians treating those suffering from Long Haulers continuously state “this is in your head”, but can’t explain the severe muscle aches, brain fog and shortness of breath that persists after 6 weeks of diagnosis of infection.  There is no diagnostic test, no specific treatment or no pill to take to help people who are suffering. There is constant studies and research, but “recovery remains elusive”. Now there are “post-COVID” clinics that are working to help the thousands and millions of people that are living with COVID Long Haulers.  For many patients it has not been easy and these post-COVID clinics have seen...
New COVID-19 Long Haulers Research From The Cleveland Clinic

New COVID-19 Long Haulers Research From The Cleveland Clinic

New research conducted at Cleveland Clinic on COVID-19 Long Haulers reveals surprising results. Many patients are experiencing new symptoms of the virus even after it is supposedly out of their system.  These new health conditions were discovered after tracking health insurance records of millions of Americans who got COVID-19 last year. It’s a wide variety of conditions,  ranging from sleeping disorders to depression. A lot of the symptoms seem to be neurological and are taking a toll on those who had mild to no real reaction when first diagnosed with COVID-19. To read the full article, Click Here
A Severe “Post” COVID-19 Condition

A Severe “Post” COVID-19 Condition

A serious autonomic nervous system disorder is affecting a number of COVID-19 Long Haulers; people who are experiencing persistent and worsening symptoms long after they were supposed to be “recovered” from COVID-19. The condition is POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and it affects the blood flow and can disrupt the body’s ability to regulate bodily functions like the heart rate and blood pressure.  Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 3 million people in the U.S. were living with POTS, and since the pandemic it has doubled. As a result there is a lack of specialists to support those suffering from Long Hauler induced POTS.  Specialists and people with POTS are now hoping the National Institute of Health’s funding will also invest in the research ...
Study Finds COVID Symptoms Last, Even Months After “Recovery”

Study Finds COVID Symptoms Last, Even Months After “Recovery”

Thousands of Americans have reached out for medical care for post-COVID problems. One of the largest studies that is still being done to this date shows how patients who have NOt been hospitalized or exhibited harsh symptoms during their initial COVID-19 diagnosis are now suffering from severe complications 30-60 day past their COVID “recovery”. Nearly 2 million people in the United States contracted COVID-19 last year.  23% of them had new symptoms or issues months after their  COVID “recovery” that were not present during their infection. All ages are affectred, including children and the most common symptoms are: ·  Pain (nerves and muscle) ·  Breathing difficulties ·  High cholesterol ·  Malaise and fatigue ·  High blood pressure...
COVID-19 and Brain Impairment

COVID-19 and Brain Impairment

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging shows how COVID-19 causes long-term neurological changes associated with cognitive impairment. Researchers compared PET-scans of hospitalized COVID-19 patients with cognitive impairment before and after their recovery. It has become increasingly clear that neurocognitive long-term consequences occur during severe, moderate and even mild cases of COVID-19. In the images taken on the brain of those suffering from neurocognitive effects of COVID-19 showed positive weights in brain stem, cerebellum, white matter and mesial temporal structures. As a result of the study, the authors suggest post-COVID-19 patients with persistent cognitive effects should seek help from a neurologist and rehabilitation center. That COVID-19 does cause ne...
CDC Issues Guidance on COVID Long Haulers

CDC Issues Guidance on COVID Long Haulers

The CDC released guidance for physicians treating patients struggling with lingering problems from COVID-19, often called “Long Haulers”. While many symptoms may be treated by a primary physician, there are acute circumstances that may need specialists to help patients. One of the challenges in identifying Long Haulers is whether the patient is experiencing those conditions from the virus or from some other disease. Current lab testing doesn’t definitively diagnose Long Haulers and the CDC says that not having a positive test should not rule out the possibility of having Long Haulers. There is no treatment for the underlying problems of Long Haulers and the issue is really being educated on how to help patients suffering from Long Haulers. More research is needed and Congress just p...