
Why Can’t Doctors Solve COVID-19 Long-Hauler Puzzle?

Why Can’t Doctors Solve COVID-19 Long-Hauler Puzzle?

There are nearly two-million survivors of COVID-19 who still experience serious issues for months after initial infection. These "long-haulers" do not test positive for COVID-19, but they still feel symptoms like shortness of breath, insomnia, impaired lung function, and memory loss, to name only a few. KX News interviewed Chief Health Strategist Dr. Joshua Wayne, who said that the prolonged side effects are similar to those found in other diseases like Lyme. The difference, he said, is that doctors still can't figure out why these symptoms are sticking around. Dr. Wayne encourages anyone who thinks they might be a "long-hauler" to seek out programs in their area to be treated so that doctors can continue to learn about the syndrome. To read the full article on KX News, please click he...
Even Mild Cases of COVID-19 Can Cause Months of Symptoms

Even Mild Cases of COVID-19 Can Cause Months of Symptoms

COVID-19 "long-haulers" are people who continue to suffer the effects of the virus for months after they've recovered. According to Healthline, a recent study published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society showed that even very mild cases of the disease resulted in long-haul symptoms. The study's authors looked at patients who had previously been diagnosed with COVID-19. These patients came for a follow-up appointment several months after their diagnosis. The authors found that many patients did not feel they fully recovered from the illness, most often complaining of shortness of breath and debilitating fatigue. Only a few patients with long-haul symptoms had severe cases of COVID-19. Many diagnostic tests performed on long-haulers, such as chest X-rays and CT scans, come back ...
These 5 Women Share COVID-19 Long Hauler Struggles

These 5 Women Share COVID-19 Long Hauler Struggles

The HuffPost asked five women who are suffering from post-COVID-19 syndrome to share their stories. All five women recovered from the initial COVID-19 virus but continue to experience chronic side effects even as long as 9 months later. Individuals experiencing debilitating symptoms long after their bout with COVID-19 are known as long haulers. Long haulers experience symptoms such as chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle pain, cardiac issues, brain fog, and anxiety. Doctors still don't know why some people become long haulers and some do not, but it is clear that even young and healthy people with only mild cases of COVID-19 still end up suffering from long-term effects. One of the most frustrating aspects of the syndrome is that patients feel invalidated, and HuffPost's interview...
Can Vaccinated People Still Become COVID-19 Long-Haulers?

Can Vaccinated People Still Become COVID-19 Long-Haulers?

COVID-19 vaccine data shows that the shot is effective at staving off the serious outcomes of the virus, including hospitalization and death. However, researchers are still unsure whether or not the vaccine will lessen the chance of patients developing chronic, long-term symptoms. The Verge interviewed Timothy Henrich, virologist and viral immunologist at the University of California, San Francisco on the matter. Henrich, who studies the long-term effects of COVID-19, believes this is an important question around the vaccine that needs to be answered. While the vaccine may allow individuals to get more mild cases of COVID-19, it's still not known whether it will prevent them from turning into "long-haulers." To read the full story on The Verge, please click here.
Will COVID-19 Long Haulers Ever Fully Recover?

Will COVID-19 Long Haulers Ever Fully Recover?

According to NBC 7, California health-care worker Isabel Ortuno is still suffering from the aftereffects of COVID-19, which she contracted back in October. After being hospitalized for the initial virus, Ortuno went on to experience cardiac issues like heart palpitations and chest pain long after she supposedly "recovered." Ortuno is far from alone, says UC San Diego infectious disease doctor Lucy Horton. Horton created a post-acute COVID-19 telemedicine clinic when she began to see an increase in the number of patients suffering from "long haul" issues. The clinic includes doctors from different departments who are studying and treating these patients, whose ailments range from cardiology to psychiatry. Although there is still much that these doctors don't know about COVID-19 and it's a...
COVID-19 Patients Fear “They Will Never Be The Same Again”
Health, Science

COVID-19 Patients Fear “They Will Never Be The Same Again”

COVID-19 is proving to be quite the mystery. Doctors and patients are discovering that symptoms of the infection -- some that weren't even there initially -- can affect patients for several months after the patients have recovered. These patients are called COVID-19 "long-haulers," and they are suffering from what doctors have deemed "Post-Covid 19 Syndrome." Kevin Rathel is one such patient. He contracted the novel coronoavirus back in April, and had to be hospitalized and placed into a coma. It's been several months, and Rathel is still complaining of symptoms. He reports memory loss, brain fog, extreme fatigue, and shortness of breath, ailments that many long-haulers also share. There are an estimated 2 million COVID-19 long-haulers suffering from "crippling and debilitating symptom...
Doctors Struggle to Understand COVID-19 “Long-Haulers”
Health, Science

Doctors Struggle to Understand COVID-19 “Long-Haulers”

People who have contracted COVID-19 but still continue to suffer from related ailments months later have now been deemed "long-haulers." There are a wide variety of symptoms associated with "Post-Covid-19 Syndrome," ranging from as mild as fatigue to as serious as permanent kidney damage. Because the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. continues to surge, doctors are expecting many more long-haulers, and are thus working hard to figure out how to treat the strange after-effects. COVID-19 long-haulers have complained of ailments like shortness of breath, brain fog, debilitating fatigue, and migraines. Others experience concentration issues and short-term memory less. Gastrointestinal issues have also been reported, including loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, and diarrhea. One pati...
COVID-19 Patients Experience Long-Term Lung & Liver Damage
Health, Science

COVID-19 Patients Experience Long-Term Lung & Liver Damage

It's true that many COVID-19 patients experience mild symptoms and go on to recover in a normal time frame. However, not all patients are so lucky, and there are several COVID-19 survivors who continue to have debilitating side effects for weeks -- or even months -- after the virus has left their system. Several patients have even had to return to the hospital with serious, sometimes life-threatening illnesses. Experts have deemed these patients "long-haulers," and believe they are suffering from what's called "Post-COVID 19 Syndrome." According to a recent study, 55% of patients who recovered from COVID-19 still experience long-term side effects. These side effects range from mild concentration issues to severe, permanent lung and liver damage. Pulmonologist Dr. Brian Williams says...
COVID-19 “Long-Haulers” Continue to Fight Brain Fog Months Later
Health, Science

COVID-19 “Long-Haulers” Continue to Fight Brain Fog Months Later

It's becoming a well-known fact that survivors of COVID-19 can have lasting effects that continue on for several months after the initial virus has run its course. But new studies show that these effects can actually be detrimental and sometimes even life-threatening. A recent British study showed that nearly 1/3 of patients who recovered from COVID-19 had to return to the hospital at some point, and one in eight actually died.  Clinics have been cropping up all over the country to to help diagnose, understand, and treat these patients, who have come to be known as "long-haulers." Shirley Ryan Ability Lab in Chicago, for instance, developed a COVID-19 rehabilitation center back in April. As the virus case has continued to rise in Chicago, so has the number of patients coming in...
Post-Covid Syndrome Can Harm These Six Organs
Health, Science

Post-Covid Syndrome Can Harm These Six Organs

COVID-19 is still surging through the country, taking the lives of many and changing the lives of even more. But along with the rising number of cases, doctors are also concerned about what happens after patients recover. They've discovered that many patients are developing what's being called "post-covid syndrome," which encompasses a variety of symptoms seen well after initial recovery. A recent study revealed that only around 10% of COVID-19 survivors did not have any lingering symptoms or issues after recovering. Around 72% of survivors experienced significant symptoms, including extreme fatigue, and a small number of patients actually experienced life-threatening issues such a s lung fibrosis, kidney failure, myocarditis, and stroke. It's clear that this novel virus has great c...