Tag: COVID-19 Treatment

COVID-19 toll more than physical for hard-hit hoops teams

COVID-19 toll more than physical for hard-hit hoops teams

During the peak of COVID-19, some basketball teams had to create a new norm. For them, that looked like practicing outside, not passing basketballs, and postponing several games. In 2022, they were hoping to return to the way things were pre-Covid, and that is not what happened. Games still continue to be postponed or even canceled, causing great disappointment for the players. To read more, click here.
Omicron variant presents new challenges in global COVID fight

Omicron variant presents new challenges in global COVID fight

There are a rising number of protests happening to fight against layoffs due to not being vaccinated against COVID-19. Meanwhile, masks are dropping due to guidance from the CDC leading citizens to believe we no longer need them as much as we once did. The fight against COVID looks different depending where you go. To read more, click here.
Biden administration kicks off nationwide tour addressing mental health challenges from COVID pandemic

Biden administration kicks off nationwide tour addressing mental health challenges from COVID pandemic

Coronavirus has deepened the mental health crisis. The Biden Administration has partnered with the Health and Human Services to address the issues that have been going on. The plan is to travel from state to state and speak with those that have been hit very hard during this crisis. Local leaders will devise plans to save lives within their communities. To read more, click here.
Why Pfizer needs time to make COVID-19 treatment

Why Pfizer needs time to make COVID-19 treatment

Pfizer released a COVID-19 treatment late 2021. This pill, Paxlovid, takes months to make. At first, it was a nine month process and researchers have found ways to make it seven months. This is due to chemical processes that can not be rushed. To learn more, click here.
Hawaii is ditching strict entry requirements: No more COVID tests, vaccine proof or quarantine

Hawaii is ditching strict entry requirements: No more COVID tests, vaccine proof or quarantine

Governor Ige announced that as of March 26, 2022, Hawaii will be lifting their strict COVID-19 entry requirements. While proof of vaccine of negative test is no longer required, it is still required that masks are worn while in doors. When making this decision, the board took into account the declining number of cases for the area and declining hospitalizations. To read more, click here.

Experts worry a lack of data is obscuring which kids aren’t getting the COVID-19 shot

Due to minimal data, some experts wonder if their efforts in targeting strategies are effective. Children of color are suffering more sever illness in higher amount and lack access to the vaccine and booster shots. Only 7 states are releasing this data by race which is making it difficult to establish trends for the entire nation. More data is still needed to decide which counties need targeted outreach. To read more, click here.
California is first to unveil plan to live with virus; ‘stealth omicron’ could be more dangerous than initial version: COVID-19 updates

California is first to unveil plan to live with virus; ‘stealth omicron’ could be more dangerous than initial version: COVID-19 updates

It has been widespread news that Covid isn't going anywhere, but California is the first state to implement a plan to live with it. The crisis mentality that has been our normal for nearly three years, is now shifting to a mentality that we will just handle the inevitable challenges that will be thrown at us. The California governor established a plan, SMARTER, in order to put the citizens at ease. To read more, click here.
The next COVID subvariant is here and may be even more contagious than Omicron

The next COVID subvariant is here and may be even more contagious than Omicron

A new variant has been detected in every U.S. state. Due to its similar high transmissibility, it has been named, “Stealth Omicron.” In late January 2022, this variant was first detected in Europe and made its way around the globe. This strain is the leading strain in at least 18 countries. Data has not been able to confirm whether this strand is more serious that Omicron, however it could be up to 30% more transmissible. To read more, click here.