Tag: Long-Haulers Treatment

The Vaccinated Have Lower Chance Of Long Haulers

The Vaccinated Have Lower Chance Of Long Haulers

A new research claims that those who received a vaccination for COVID-19 have a 49 percent reduced risk of developing COVID Long Haulers. The symptoms of COVID in Long Hauler can persist for weeks, months, or even years. Brain fog, tiredness, persistent loss of smell or taste, hair loss, and numbness are all signs of COVID Long Haulers. Even people who had minor cases of COVID-19 developed COVID Long Haulers To read more, Click Here
COVID Brain Fog Can Last For Months

COVID Brain Fog Can Last For Months

A third of people who had COVID-19 have developed neuropsychiatric symptoms that have lasted for than six months after their initial diagnosis. The Lancet Psychiatry conducted a study in April and found that these symptoms affect all ages and persist after respiratory symptoms resolve. Some patients experience memory loss, lack of clarity and poor concentration known as brain fog. These COVID survivors state that they have to “work twice as hard for half as much” in everyday life. James Jackson a psychologist and director of behavioral health at Vanderbilt University works with COVID-19 patients who have long term brain symptoms such as brain fog.  He’s recorded that patients who experience these neurological symptoms also report anxiety and depression. To read the full article, ...
The Cause of COVID Long Haulers?

The Cause of COVID Long Haulers?

There’s an array of disabling symptoms including a “blowtorch-like” nerve pain, loss of sensation in the limbs, spine inflammation, brain fog and a soaring heart rate that follows 10-40% of COVID Survivors, even months they are supposed to have been recovered from COVID-19. They are called Long Haulers. Doctors and scientists, still to do not know why some COVID patients become Long Haulers. There are three possibilities that professionals are believing to make people long-haulers.  One is an autoimmune reaction that persists longer than the actual virus. Another possibility is that COVID-19 leaves “viral particles” in the body that create inflammation. This may also explain why some still stay positive long after the infection has been cleared. The final possibility is t...
Managing COVID Long Haulers

Managing COVID Long Haulers

After contracting COVID-19 people experience both physical and psychological effects. Doctors are now working on a multifaceted approach to treat the long term effects of COVID-19. Currently there is no formal diagnosis of long COVID because symptoms are variable, ranging and associated with varying degrees of autonomic dysfunction. Thus there is limited evidence on how to treat common COVID-19 symptoms. Management of persistent symptoms require multidisciplinary input and primary care. Patients need to be “heard” and taken serious with physical and psychological symptoms from COVID-19. Also a medical review and referral is needed for continued support to get the specialized treatment that is needed for these long-term effects of COVID-19. To read the full article, Click Here ...
COVID-19 Affects Athletes?

COVID-19 Affects Athletes?

Athletes who contracted COVID-19 could could have sustained a devastating blow in their final stretch of their preparations for major competitions like the Olympics that are coming up this summer.  While athletes may be able to return to training within 20 days after the contraction of COVID-19, it could take much longer than that. The virus may hinder athletes in different ways. Some may go back to training and experience a full recovery while others are still struggling with symptoms such as fatigue. Researchers are suggesting pooling symptoms and severity of those in clusters in three groups to figure out an appropriate time frame for return to athletic competition. To read the full article, Click Here
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Likely to Help COVID-19 Long-Haulers

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Likely to Help COVID-19 Long-Haulers

Patients who have recovered from COVID-19 but still continue to experience symptoms after two weeks are now known as "long-haulers." These symptoms include persistent fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, migraines, and more. Some patients have even shown permanent lung damage. Doctors still don't know very much about the syndrome, but research has begun on how to treat certain symptoms. One patient, Stephanie Gaboury, has seen great results from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which she received at Healing with Hyperbarics in North Dakota. The therapies are a slow, consistent protocol that increases the levels of oxygen going into the bloodstream. It's thought that the oxygen helps cells to get rid of inflammation in the way it's normally supposed to, according to Dr. Daphne Denham. Gabour...
U.S. Sees Several Clinics Dedicated Solely to Post-Covid 19 Care
Health, Science

U.S. Sees Several Clinics Dedicated Solely to Post-Covid 19 Care

Over a dozen new medical clinics have recently opened up around the U.S., and they're likely to keep appearing. These clinics are dedicated solely to understanding, treating, and validating patients who are suffering from the after-effects of COVID-19. Known as Covid "long-haulers," these patients continue to struggle with Covid-related symptoms for weeks -- and even months -- after they've recovered from the initial virus. New York City's Catherine Busa -- a 54-year-old school secretary -- is one such long-hauler. Busa caught the novel coronavirus back in March, but she still continues to experience strange pain, changes in her sense of smell and taste, and a deep depression. Having dealt with these issues for nearly eight months, Busa was happy to visit the clinic at Jamaica Hospital...